ENERGY STAR is a nationally recognized, voluntary program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products, new homes and buildings to consumers and business owners across the United States. Initiated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992, ENERGY STAR is now a joint effort of EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy. EPA is responsible for administering the ENERGY STAR label for homes.
An ENERGY STAR certified home is significantly more energy efficient in its heating and cooling than a comparable home built to code. This increased level of energy efficiency can be met using standard technologies and manufacturing
practices by successfully integrating three key home components:
- An energy-efficient building envelope (e.g., effective insulation, high-performance windows and tight construction),
- Energy-efficient space heating and cooling equipment, and
- Energy-efficient air distribution (e.g., airtight, well-insulated ducts).
ENERGY STAR affords the manufactured housing industry a unique opportunity to extend the advantages of controlled-environment factory production to include exemplary energy performance.
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ENERGY STAR Market Share
Over the past 15 years, earning the ENERGY STAR label has become synonymous with a solid investment in energy efficiency and the measure by which claims of superior energy performance are judged. This ENERGY STAR Manufactured Homes Market Share Report provides an overview of major events that have driven the growth of the ENERGY STAR Manufactured Homes program—the industry's flagship energy efficiency program—highlighting factors that influenced program growth and state and regional trends in ENERGY STAR home market share.